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If you miss your loved one and wish he/she was still here, even if it was for a minute, this gift is for you!


I have created this powerful tool that will help you:


Tell your loved one that you miss him/her


Tell your loved one that you are sorry 


Tell your loved one that you forgive him/her 


Many of us think that once our loved one dies, there is nothing that can be done because they are gone. 


What we don't realize is that we are still alive and we still have the option to do what is needed

"You are gone physically but you still live within me"

Anticipatory Grief

Anticipatory grief is grief that occurs before a loss. It is commonly experienced by the loved ones of an individual with a terminal diagnosis as well as the individual who is dying.


However, it can also be experienced in any situation where a pending change may lead to loss, such as a move to a new city, a job change, or a child leaving home for college.


Anticipatory grief has a lot in common with conventional grief, the grief one experiences after a loss. Furthermore, anticipatory grief can start at any time prior to the loss.


For example, if a loved one has a life-threatening illness such as cancer, a family member or close relative may experience anticipatory grief at any point from the initial onset of symptoms to the time of the diagnosis to when they enter hospice care.




Types of Grief

  • Normal grief

    • Although individual reactions are unique and circumstantial, bereaved people are likely to experience changes in their behavior as well as some physical and emotional symptoms such as shock, confusion, crying, sadness, fatigue, difficulties concentrating, disturbed sleep etc. This is normal grief and in time, these symptoms weaken enabling the bereaved person to function normally.​

  • Delayed grief

    • Significant gap between the initial loss and the bereaved person’s reaction to it. That can be due to individual circumstances and/or other responsibilities. Some bereaved people feel the need to be “strong” for others or suppress their grief.​

  • Complicated grief (traumatic or prolonged) 

    • When grief is persistent for a prolonged period of time and begins to interfere with day-to-day life preventing the bereaved person from completing different tasks, that could be a sign of complicated grief. They may feel intense sorrow and pain, inability to think about anything else but their loss, longing for the deceased person, numbness, detachment, isolation​​

  • ​Masked Grief

    • Unable to recognise out-of-character symptoms and behaviours as reactions to their loss. Instead, they “mask” them as physical symptoms and/or maladaptive behavior.


  • Inhibited grief

    • The bereaved person doesn’t show a reaction to their loss. They may be reluctant to do so either because they find it inappropriate or because they were brought up to show little to no emotion.​

  • Exaggerated grief

    • Characterised by intensified reactions to the loss which become worse over time. In those cases, the bereaved person is likely to indulge in self-destructive behaviour and activities such as substance abuse. They can also exhibit suicidal thoughts, irrational fears and/or nightmares.

  • Distorted grief

    • Characterised by extreme reactions and behavioural changes. That type of grief is often accompanied by guilt, anger, hostility towards oneself or others, self-destructive and other behavioural changes.

  • Prolonged Grief

    • someone experiences overwhelming distress for most of the day, nearly every day. Symptoms can be contradictory, and you may find yourself moving back and forth between extremes.​

Need to find closure because...

A damaged relationship didn’t get repaired

No one said “I love you” before the other died

You feel that you should have done more to try to prevent your loved one’s death

You feel that you could have done more to have lived up to his/her expectations in your relationship with that person


If you answered yes to one or more of the above,
the this journal is for you!

Download the gift by clicking the link below

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Patty has been a great support with the loss of my husband. She has given me plenty of tools to keep myself going on my day to day.

However, she has taught me that it is ok to feel sad, or mad because of what happened. I no longer feel guilty for feeling OK either.


Patty has truly been a great help. I recomend Patty if you are going through a grieving process. 



Patty has helped me tremendously with my grieving process. I lost my daugther many years ago and had not been able to let go until now that Patty helped me realized that letting go doesn't mean I don't love her anymore, but rather that I decide to live the moment and not stuck in the past.

Patty has helped me in my divorce process, she has provided me with many powerful tools, one of them being TAPPING (EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique). This technique has literaly changed my life.

I will always be greatful to God for crossing our paths

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I am eternally grateful for your help! Life has not been the same since my mom passed away, but you have helped me to move forward with no regrets.

Life is tough, but I have learned through your teachings that it is only as hard or as easy as we want it to be.

Thank you for everything!

©Cosmos Web Creator 2024

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