Vives En Mi E-Book
Expresa tus sentimientos hacia tu ser querido a través de escritura terapéutica.
El e-book VIVES EN MI te guiará a:
Vivir un duelo Sano - (lo que tu boca calla, tu cuerpo lo habla después con enfermedades. Si no te desahogas, las enfermedades surgirán)
A procesar tu dolor sin sentirte culpable
A guardarle tributo a tu difunto en lugar de luto
A desahogarte contándole todo eso que le has querido contar desde que su fue

Forever In My Heart
In this e-book, I guide you to:
Connect with your loved ones who have passed away through heartfelt writing.
To write to your loved one, telling them something you didn't get a chance to say
To share something new that has happened in your life and you want to share with them.
To tell them how much your life has changed since they have been gone.
and more...